Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I've been going about this all wrong...

A realization hit me today...

Goals in life aren't about getting things done; they're about doing things.

A subtle, but important distinction.

It is the activity, not the accomplishment, which is the object.



Anonymous said...

That is an interesting thought. Sometimes I don't want to go out and get things done but if I make a list and manage to get it all done I feel pretty good about my day!

Bourgeous said...

Very poetic Ryan. The journey sure makes more of you then just checking it off your check list.

HouseofHubbs said...

I found your thoughts at the perfect time today Ryan. As I was feeling discouraged by not getting anything crossed of my "to do list" you have reminded me that by just enjoying the moment I am being productive.

-Jill Hubbs

Kari said...

I guess you better come down and meet Marc, then!!! Happy Boxing Day to you, too!! :)